About project

Strategic Project for support of the establishment of Innovation Network for Industry and Thematic Innovation platforms is going to focus on the development of the Innovation Network for Industry (INI), which will consist of Thematic Innovation Platforms that serve industrial development stakeholders to network, create an innovation community and drive innovation. INI will also serve as a communication platform for the development of long-term programs and research and development guidelines for business sector activities in the thematic priority areas of the Croatian Strategy for Smart Specialization (S3) 2016. – 2020.

Establishment of the National Innovation System

Innovation Council for Industry

The Innovation Council for Industry was established by the Government of the Republic of Croatia (Narodne novine no. 129/2017). The first session was held on September 12, 2018.  Read more about this HERE

Thematic innovation councils

They are based on five thematic priority areas defined by the Smart Specialization Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period from 2016 to 2020.

WEB inovacijska platforma

Razvoj WEB inovacijske platforme omogućit će uvezivanje i komunikaciju svih ključnih elemenata i dionika inovacijskog sustava, odnosno stvaranje središnje kontaktne točke koja će objedinjavati sve informacije iz područja istraživanja, razvoja i inovacija za sva tematska prioritetna područja S3.

Find out more. Contact us.


Održana šesta sjednica Inovacijskog vijeća za industriju Republike Hrvatske

Održana šesta sjednica Inovacijskog vijeća za industriju Republike Hrvatske

Pod predsjedanjem državnog tajnika Ministarstva gospodarstva, poduzetništva i obrta Marija Antonića, ujedno i predsjednika Vijeća,.Read More

April 25, 2019  By : Admin
The First Session of the National Innovation Council (NIV)

The First Session of the National Innovation Council (NIV)

The first session of the National Innovation Council (NIV) at the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship,.Read More

November 15, 2018  By : Admin
A few more days for applications to the Thematic Innovation Councils (TICs)

A few more days for applications to the Thematic Innovation Councils (TICs)

A few more days for applications to the Thematic Innovation Councils (TICs) Ministry of the.Read More

November 5, 2018  By : Admin