Consultancy services for establishing the Innovation Network for Industry and Thematic Innovation Platforms are provided by the community of consultants (within the Strategic Project for Support of Establishment of Innovation Network for Industry and Thematic Innovation Platforms), and according to the decision of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts, dated 4 July 2017 (KLASA: 406-01/16-04/41 URBROJ: 526-02-17- 53).
The subject of the contract is divided into 5 main components:
1. Development/establishment of an efficient innovation system of the Republic of Croatia
- Activity 1.1. Developing the concept and the model of operational management of the institutional framework of the Republic of Croatia innovation system
- Activity 1.1.1. Developing the concept and the methodology of the operational functioning of the Thematic Innovation Platforms (TIPs)
- Activity 1.1.2. Providing support to the Industry Innovation Council
- Activity 1.1.3. Expert support on the establishment and functioning of five (5) Thematic Innovation Platforms and relevant Action Working Groups
- Activity 1.1.4. Expert support in establishing and functioning of Innovation Factory and “Social Innova Accelerator”
- Activity 1.1.5. Training of key stakeholders of the national innovation system of the Republic of Croatia
- Activity 1. 2. Analysis of existing fiscal (tax) system for encouraging/supporting research, technological development, and innovation in the Republic of Croatia, benchmark with the best practice countries in the given area and drafting a proposal for the enhancement of fiscal (tax) system of the Republic of Croatia.
2. Capacity mapping of research, development and innovation business sector
- Activity 2.1. Developing the methodology for mapping capacities within research, development and innovation business sector and implementation of the mapping
- Activity 2.2. Designing/drafting the content of Innova WEB platform and drafting the project assignment for the procurement services related to the establishment of the Innova WEB platform
3. Establishment of monitoring and evaluation of the Republic of Croatia innovation policy
- Activity 3.1. Defining key indicators and the methodology for the data collection related to monitoring the implementation of innovation policy and assessment of innovation performance in the Republic of Croatia
- Activity 3.2. Creating an electronic system for monitoring the implementation of innovation policy in the Republic of Croatia
- Activity 3.3. Drafting the form for reports on monitoring the implementation of innovation program
- Activity 3.4. Designing and creating the database for monitoring the State aid/subvention for research, development, and innovation
4. Enhancing business sector capacities for research, development, and innovation through the development of smart skills
- Activity 4.1. Analysis of the training needs within the business sector in order to enhance their research, development and innovation know-how/capacities
- Activity 4.2. Creating the module for the training of the business sector
- Activity 4.3. Performing training workshops and seminars (thematic and horizontal) for the business sector
5. Promotion of innovation policy and awareness raising on the importance of research, development, and innovation in managing structural changes within Croatian economy and enhancement of competitiveness
- Activity 5.1. Development of the Communication strategy and Action plan for the promotion of the innovation policy 2018. – 2020.
- Activity 5.2. Implementation of the Action plan for the implementation of the communication strategy 2018. – 2020.
The implementation of the consultancy services agreement with the goal of establishing the Innovation Network for Industry and Thematic Innovation Platforms implemented within the Strategic Support Innovation Network for Industry Innovation and Innovation Platforms initiative aims to provide expert support in establishing an efficient innovation system in the Republic of Croatia, to enable effective networking, communication and coordination of innovation policy implementation activities between the public, scientific and research sectors and business sectors, all with a goal to improve the innovation performance and quick transfer of research and development activities in the economy.
L’ Area di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste - Area Science Park
L’ Area di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste – Area Science Park, is a national research organization working to promote the development of innovation processes. For 40 years it has been leading the mission of merging science and economy and public and private sector, and at the same time participates in international initiatives aimed at developing those areas in which they are taking place. The Science Park area runs a scientific and technological park that is divided into 3 campuses located in the area between Trieste and Gorizia, which together cover over 80,000 m2 of space equipped for research and development activities.
Currently, in the Area Science Park, there are 76 entities – 68 private companies and 8 national and international research centres that generate jobs for 2,600 employees.
Notitia Ltd.
Notitia Ltd. was founded in 2012. Its array of activities is large and includes, among other things, business consulting, research and development in the field of economics and publishing. It cooperates with top experts and brings together an interdisciplinary team of specialists capable of responding to the most demanding tasks set before them.
Numerous projects its experts are involved in are a guarantee of high-quality individualized service. Notitia Ltd. also participates in projects of national and international significance because of their particular focus on strategic development in the area of research, development, and innovation.
Steering Committee
For the purpose of implementing this Agreement, a Steering Committee has been established consisting of 9 members:
- 3 representatives of the Ministry of the Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts
- 1 representative of the Croatian Chamber of Economy
- 1 representative of the Ministry of Science and Education
- 1 representative of the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds
- 1 representative of the Ministry of Labor and Pension System
- 1 representative of Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO)
- 1 representative of the Croatian County Association