National Innovation Strategies
The Strategy for Innovation Encouragement of Croatia 2014-2020 and Croatian Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) 2016 – 2020, i.e. their overall strategic framework serves to encourage and synergy use of public and private resources for research, technological development and innovation, which should result in improved efficiency of the national innovation system of the Republic of Croatia.
The Strategy for Innovation Encouragement of Croatia 2014-2020
At the 200th session of the Government of the Republic of Croatia held on 17 December 2014 the Strategy for innovation encouragement of the Republic of Croatia 2014-2020 was adopted.
The strategy focuses on long-term development and systematic promotion of innovation as a fundamental value of the success of the economy, but also of society as a whole.
The Strategy for innovation encouragement of Croatia 2014-2020 please download HERE.
Croatian Smart Specialization Strategy 2016 – 2020 (S3)
On 30 March 2016, the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted a Decision on the adoption of the Croatian Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) for the period from 2016 to 2020 and the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Croatian Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) for the period of 2016 to 2017 which came into force on the date of its adoption.
Croatian Smart Specialization Strategy 2016 – 2020 (S3) please download HERE.