Strategic Project for Support of the Establishment of Innovation Network for Industry and Thematic Innovation Platforms (Project INI)
The main user of the Strategic Project for Support of the Establishment of Innovation Network for Industry and Thematic Innovation Platforms (Project INI) is Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Crafts, with the Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE) as the partner and the project is co-financed from European Regional Development Fund (85%).
The main purpose of the Project is to create an efficient and self-sustainable support framework and encourage private sector investment in research, development and innovation as well as raise awareness of the importance of research and development and innovation in the business sector to identify new potential for industrial growth and job creation, improve competitiveness, modernize and diversificate the Croatian economy through:
- Establishment of an institutional platform for R&D that will enable continuous entrepreneurial discovery and innovation dialogue between the public, business and scientific research sectors, i.e. companies and the scientific and research community,
- Defining long-term RDI business sector strategies for identified S3 thematic priority areas
- providing training and PR tools geared to the business sector to apply the results of the RDI activities to increase productivity and diversify the economy.
The project is going to focus on the development of the Innovation Network for Industry (INI), which will consist of Thematic Innovation Platforms that serve industrial development stakeholders to network, create an innovation community and drive innovation. INI will also serve as a communication platform for the development of long-term programs and research and development guidelines for business sector activities in the thematic priority areas of the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3).
In line with the Strategy for Promoting Innovation of the Republic of Croatia 2014-2020, it is envisaged that further development of the National Innovation System (NIS) will lead to the establishment of a stable framework for cooperation between the public sector, scientific sector and industry, which has not been the case so far. The ultimate result of this Project is going to be the establishment and operational functioning of Innovation Network for Industry.
The project will complement and use complementary components of the foreseen Strategic Project for Scientific and Technology Foresight in the form of interconnection and exchange of data, tools and methods of monitoring available through the National Information System in Science (NISIS) and guidance to future identified areas of scientific excellence that are a goal for long-term scientific-technological forecasts. Mutual and complementary linkage to the Project of Scientific and Technological Prediction will contribute to the creation of an effective National Innovation System.
The project has four specific objectives:
1. Map the capacity of the business sector for Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) and establish an effective institutional set-up and a WEB platform for research, development, and innovation within the National Innovation System
2. Develop long-term RDI business strategy strategies for identified thematic priority areas within the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3)
3. Prepare an inventory of research, development and innovation projects
4. Encourage the strengthening of knowledge and skills of the business sector in the field of research, development, and innovation.
Implementation of project activities
The project implementation plan includes 5 elements:
Project element 1: Support of implementation and operational work of Innovation Network for Industry and Thematic Innovation Platforms
- Activity 1.1. Establishment of Innovation Network for Industry and Thematic Innovation Platforms
- Activity 1.2. Establishing and supporting work for the International Innovation Advisory Council (Inova Think Tank)
- Activity 1.3. Technological mapping and development of foresight of the technological development of the business sector
Project element 2: Development of RDI strategy for the business sector for identified S3 thematic priority areas and preparation of RDI projects supply
- Activity 2.1 Creating business sector RDI strategies for thematic priority areas of the Smart Specialization Strategy
- Activity 2.2. Preparation of the business sector RDI projects supply
Project element 3: Promotion of innovation politics and strengthening the knowledge and capacities of the business sector in the field of research, development, and innovation
- Activity 3.1. Promotion of innovation policy
- Activity 3.2. Strengthening the knowledge and skills of the business sector in the field of research, development and innovation
Project element 4: Promotion and visibility
- Activity 4.1. Promotion and visibility of the project
Project element 5. Project management and administration
- Activity 5.1. Project management and administration is the responsibility of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts
Expected results
Expected results of the INI project are:
- Non-financial support offered to companies (50 companies)
- Established Thematic innovation councils (5 Thematic innovation councils)
- Established WEB innovation platform (1 platform)
- Identified strategic projects with each Thematic innovation platform (25 projects)
- Prepared R&D&I strategies for the business sector for S3 thematic priority areas