An extended deadline for a call to join the membership in Thematic Innovation Councils

Due to the great interest in membership in the Thematic Innovation Councils and to enable as many people, businesses and organizations as possible to apply, the Ministry of the Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts has extended the deadline for presentation of interest until Wednesday, November 14th to the 14th. Applications will be sent to e-mail by this time

As part of the implementation of the Croatian Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) 2016. – 2020. (S3), a call for expression of interest in the Thematic Innovation Councils (TICs) was made in connection with five thematic priority areas (TPA).  The main objective of TIC is to provide strategic management and guidance for relevant TPAs.

We invite you to express your interest in membership in one of the thematic innovation councils according to your business or organization’s activity that must be relevant to the TPA area.

The decision on the establishment of Thematic Innovation Councils (TICs), presented by the Innovation Council for Industry of the Republic of Croatia at the proposal of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Crafts: 

  1. Thematic Innovation Council for the health and quality of life
  2. Thematic Innovation Council for the energy and sustainable environment
  3. Thematic Innovation Council for the transport and mobility
  4. Thematic Innovation Council for the security
  5. Thematic Innovation Council for the food and bio-economy.

Each TIC will be composed of  the Triple helix stakeholders (representatives of business community, science and research community and public administration) according to following envisaged structure: 70% of stakeholders will be from the private sector (mainly SME’s), 20% will be from the science and research community, while 10% will be from nominated representatives of public authorities.

An indication of the interest in TIC’s membership (Letter of Interest and Resume of the Proposed Representative) must be delivered verified and scanned electronically to the address or by the regular post office on the following address:

Croatian Chamber of Economy 
Rooseveltov trg 2
10000 Zagreb
saying “Prijedlog članova TIV-ova”

at the latest within 15 days from the date of receipt of this call or publication of the invitation on the web pages of the Ministry for the economy, entrepreneurship, and crafts and the Ministry for science and education.

Please find all additional informations here Pozivu za iskaz interesa, as well as Metodologijia izbora članova TIV-a.

Application forms:

  1. Obrazac za iskaz interesa za znanstveno-istraživačke organizacije i Obrazac životopisa predstavnika;
  2. Obrazac za iskaz interesa poduzeća i Obrazac životopisa predstavnika;
  3. Obrasci za iskaz interesa organizacije i udruženja te Obrazac životopisa predstavnika organizacije ili udruženja.